Webinar: COPING WITH LOANS AND DEBT on 27 May 2021 @5.30pm
Dear Colleagues and friends,
The President would like to invite you to a joint webinar organized by ACR and MACM (Malta Association of Credit Management) on the topic of coping with loans and debt.
The webinar will be held by ZOOM on Thursday 27 May 2021 between 5.30pm and 6.30pm.
For registration and invitation please send an email to the associationforconsumerrights@gmail.com (by return) showing your interest.
Debts in Malta are not a small problem. When we look at the court data, we find that in 2020, 1933 warrants were issued by the Qorti Magisterjali and 1832 by the Qorti Superjuri). From the Qorti Magisterjali there were issued 3186 judicial letters called 166A and from the Qorti Superjuri 168 judicial letters. These include both individual and corporate entities.
See the agenda here
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