Information and Publications

Commission report on the implementation of EU standardisation policy and the contribution of European standards to EU policies

On 16 January, the European Commission published a Communication reporting on the implementation of EU standardisation policy, and the contribution of European standards to EU policies. The Report will serve as a basis for the long-foreseen inter-institutional dialogue with the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee, and the Committee of the…

MCA End-User Complaints – Half Yearly Report: January – June 2017

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has published its report on the complaints and inquiries received during the first six months of 2017. This report provides an analysis of the complaints received by the Authority during this period. In total, the MCA received 102 complaints. 95% of the complaints received were closed within 20 working days….

ANEC Newsletter – ISSUE 8 – October 2017

•Action Plan on “Harmonised Standards” •New market surveillance actions •Full web-accessibility ahead •ANEC scores on standard for moveable goal posts •ANEC concerns shared by US FDA •“Cities set standards to become smarter and more sustainable” •#WatchOut! •EC Working Group on Gas Appliances •European Fire Information Exchange Platform (FIEP) •EP report on cross-border parcel delivery…

Social Agenda – Issue 48 – A European pillar for a social triple A

The July issue of Social Agenda is all about what the European Pillar of Social Rights, adopted in April, means in practice. The Pillar serves as a reference framework for European Commission proposals on work-life balance and working time. Its spirit also inspires the new Commission proposal on social security coordination, to make free…

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