AMIE Project The European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors ANEC, the European consumer voice in standardisation BEUC The European Consumer Organisation Business and Professional Women – BPW Valletta Malta CEDEFOP – EUropean Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Din l-Art Ħelwa, National Trust of Malta EIGE – European…
Stakeholders Dialogue: Unjustified geo-blocking within the European Digital Single organized by the Malta Business Bureau and the European Parliament – Jan 2017
Stakeholders Dialogue: Unjustified geo-blocking within the European Digital Single organized by the Malta Business Bureau and the European Parliament Information Office in Malta – 20.01.2017 Dar l-Ewropa, Valletta Summary: Definition of Geo-blocking: addressing geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers’ nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market…
Public Dialogue on the Malta Presidency of the European Council organized by the Parliament Information Office in Malta.
A Public Dialogue on the Malta Presidency of the European Council organized by the Parliament Information Office in Malta was held on Friday 2 December 2016 at Grand Hotel Excelsior The aim of the public dialogue was to inform in detail what the Malta Presidency of the Council of the European Union would be…
Consultation session on the ‘European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on the cross-border parcel delivery services’.
A Consultation session on the ‘European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on the cross-border parcel delivery services’. was held on 21 November 2016 MEUSAC Offices, Republic Street, Valletta Consumers and small businesses complain that problems with parcel delivery, in particular high delivery charges for cross-border services, prevent them from selling or buying more across the…
Consumer market study on the functioning of legal and commercial guarantees for consumers in the EU
The European Commission commissioned a consumer market study on the functioning of legal and commercial guarantees for consumers in the EU. It examines to what extent sellers are aware of, and comply with, the requirements of relevant EU and national legislation. It looks at the way in which legal and commercial guarantees are communicated to consumers,…
ANEC Press release: Car seats become more consumer-friendly
ANEC welcomes the adoption of the second phase of Regulation 129 by UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP 29). Press release
Consumer means of redress
The European Consumer Centre Malta in collaboration with the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority organised a seminar regarding Consumer Means of Redress on 10th November 2016 at Le Meridien Hotel & SPA St. Julians. Lina Caruana, ACR Executive Committee Member, gave a presentation “Is Consumer Law Still Adequate For its Purpose? Can Challenges Be Resolved? Can Improvement Be Achieved?”….
ACR Press release: Unplanned Development on land and sea
The Association for Consumer Rights (ACR) fully supports other NGOs who care for the health of residents, the preservation of the environment and the sustainability of a good quality of life for Maltese citizens. The constant building activities without proper measures to ensure control of dust and noise pollution are not being enforced ….
ACR Press release: Hidden Charges on Car Rentals
There is currently the malpractice from a number of car hire companies in Malta to make unfair profit for their service through many hidden charges. One of them is fuel which the lessee must buy from the service provider whether the client wants to do so or not as otherwise the car is not…
TTIP: State of Play and Future
MEUSAC in collaboration with the Ambassador of the United States to Malta, organized a discussion on TTIP: State of Play and Future . The discussion was introduced by Dr Vanni Xuerb, Head MEUSAC who gave an overview of the current state of play of the negotiations between EU different stakeholder and their counterparts in…