On 30 June, the European Commission launched a public consultation to gather opinions from consumers, businesses and associations on how to improve EU consumer law. End of May, the Commission published its analysis of consumer and marketing rules. It concluded that while European consumers already benefit from strong consumer rights, there is room for…
Roam-like-at-home misconceptions made clear
The Times of Malta has published an article on 29 June that provides information to clarify a number of misconceptions regarding the Roam-like-at-home rules that were introduced across the EU on June 15. https://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20170629/local/roam-like-at-home-misconceptions-made-clear.651910
Consumer Champion
Strengthening the consumer movement. Consumer Champion is a capacity building programme of the European Commission, managed by the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) to support and develop the capacity of consumer organisations and other entities with similar objectives from EU Member states, EEA and candidate countries. The European Commission has entrusted…
ACR Resolutions approved during AGM 2017 – April 2017
During the ACR AGM 2017 held on 1 April 2017 the following resolutions were adopted: Digitising European Industry from the Maltese perspective – Industry 4.0 Digitising European Industry Easier access to make retail payments for the disabled and the older generation Medicines and the Consumer-Patient Cross-border Parcel Delivery System Addressing geo-blocking and other forms of…
Consumers – They’re only human! Behavioural Economics Insights for Consumer Policy
Presentation at MCESD CS by Association for Consumer Rights (ACR). Mary Mangion and Marie Demicoli invited Dr Marie Briguglio as an expert on behalf of ACR to give a presentation entitled “Consumers – they’re only human. BEHAVIOURAL ECONOMICS INSIGHTS FOR CONSUMER POLICY” at the MCESD CS. The meeting was held on Monday 8th May…
AGM Association for Consumer Rights (ACR ) focuses on a National Digitalisation Strategy
The Annual General Meeting of the Association for Consumer Rights held on Saturday 1 April 2017 was an interactive and a keenly debated morning during which the various aspects of Digitalisation, embedded in the European Digital Agenda were presented from a national perspective. The topic, which is high on the Malta Presidency agenda addressed…
The European Digital Competence Framework for Consumers – “DigCompConsumers”
The European Digital Competence Framework for Consumers or “DigCompConsumers” offers a reference framework to support and improve consumers’ digital competence. Consumer digital competence is defined as the competence consumers need to function actively, safely and assertively in the digital marketplace. This definition builds on existing work on consumers’ competence, and on the general digital…
European Consumer Centre Malta (ECC) News
European Consumer Centre of Malta (ECC Malta) has issued the Newsletter MARCH 2017 ISSUE 01 The European Consumer Centre of Malta (ECC Malta) forms part of the European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net) with offices throughout all European Union Member States. The aim of the ECC-Net is to help with questions consumers may have concerning…
Producers’ liability for damages caused by defective products
Click here to see a presentation given by Odette Vella, Director Information, Education and Research Office for Consumer Affairs, Malta Competition and Consumers Affairs (MCCAA). Topics cover aspects such as the current legislation on Liability for defective products, What makes a product ‘defective’?, who is liable, and Unknown or unreachable manufacturer.
Public Consultation on the rules on liability of the producer for damage caused by a defective product
Evaluation of Council Directive 85/374/EEC on the liability for defective products. The aim of this public consultation is to collect stakeholders’ feedback on the application and performance of the Directive on liability for defective products. In particular: whether and to what extent the Directive meets its objectives of guaranteeing at EU level the liability…