The European Consumer Consultative Group is the Commission’s main forum to consult with national and European consumer organisations. Since its establishment in 1973, the European Consumer Consultative Group (ECCG) assists the Commission by providing expert advice on EU consumer related issues, issuing opinions and participating in different fora. It advises and guides the Commission…
European Commission Representation Malta – Report update – 25/01/2018
As of January 2013, the European Commission Representation in Malta started issuing a monthly e-newsletter featuring information on recent EU-related news and events. Read the latest issue of 25 January here
Commission report on the implementation of EU standardisation policy and the contribution of European standards to EU policies
On 16 January, the European Commission published a Communication reporting on the implementation of EU standardisation policy, and the contribution of European standards to EU policies. The Report will serve as a basis for the long-foreseen inter-institutional dialogue with the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee, and the Committee of the…
ECC Malta Newsletter – November 2017 issue
In time for the holiday season, for the last edition of the European Consumer Centre Malta Newsletter, ECC Malta gives some advice about what to look out for when browsing online for gifts and personal shopping. This edition will also highlight the latest publication on ‘Digital Content’, as well as the last Joint Project…
Information services provided in pharmacies
In its efforts to protect consumers, the Association for Consumer Rights (ACR) is pointing out the fact that pharmacies are charging a fee to persons who are visiting doctors/consultants who have their practice in such pharmacies. This fee, which is charged over and above the fee charged by the doctor or consultant, covers the…
Directive to help eliminate cross-border online trade barriers adopted
A directive on contracts for the supply of digital content has been adopted by the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee and the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection. Read more here.
Participate in an Interactive information Session with MCA
The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has published its report on the complaints and inquiries received during the first six months of 2017. This report provides an analysis of the complaints received by the Authority during this period. The Association for Consumer Rights in collaboration with the National Council of Women is holding an information session with…
25 November is International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women – help us take a stance! Join the UN initiative “Orange the World”, which aims to give the topic of violence against women increased visibility. The European Commission invites you to “Go Orange” as part of a social media flashmob on 25th November. Read…
ECC Malta Newsletter – October 2017 issue
Do you know who to contact when you have a consumer problem? Read the ECC Malta Newsletter of October 2017 to learn about the different means of redress available to consumers when they have a complaint, either with a local or foreign company. The aim behind the free ECC Malta newsletter is to provide consumers…
MCA End-User Complaints – Half Yearly Report: January – June 2017
The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has published its report on the complaints and inquiries received during the first six months of 2017. This report provides an analysis of the complaints received by the Authority during this period. In total, the MCA received 102 complaints. 95% of the complaints received were closed within 20 working days….