ECC Malta Newsletter Issue 4 2024
Flying Abroad? Know Your Rights as an Air Passenger
ECC Malta Newsletter Issue 4 2024
LIFTS Regulations
The Lifts Regulations and the Inspection of Lifts Regulations are legal requirements that govern the safety, maintenance, and inspection of passenger lifts. The Lifts Regulations set out the standards for design, installation, and safety of new lifts (installed after July 2002). The Inspection of Lifts Regulations detail the rules for regular inspections and maintenance to…
Understanding your consumer rights with unsolicited goods and services
When consumers receive goods or services they did not request, these items may be considered gifts.Consumers may encounter situations where they receive goods at home or are subscribed to services without their request or explicit consent. For example, consumers might receive a product by mail that they never ordered or be automatically subscribed to digital…
ACR Malta at Malta Trade Fair 2024
The ACR Malta participated for the first time in the Malta Trade Fair 2024 at the invitation of the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector . They were present over two evenings. Above: a member of the Executive Committee responding to queries from members of the public. Your membership makes our association stronger!
How to safely check and maintain your home solar panels system
Once you install a solar panels system, how do you make sure your hefty investment keeps working properly? And how do you stay safe while checking or maintaining your solar panels system? Find out in this short feature, where Prof Eng. Charles Yousif discusses how to safely monitor and maintain solar panels systems, with ACR…
World Environment Day 2023
Thank you for doing better to #BeatPlasticPollution this #WorldEnvironmentDay!
Association for Consumers Rights (ACR), Malta AGM 2023
Association for Consumers Rights (ACR), Malta AGM 2023 addresses the Challenges of the Digital Future and Consumer Protection Legislation The AGM of The Association for Consumer Rights (Malta), was held on 18 March 2023. In her introduction President Pauline Azzopardi stated that ACR is committed to safeguard the interests of consumers in Malta in all…
Surveillance of Pesticide Residues in Food Sold in Malta – ACR Malta interview with MCCAA
ACR Malta is seeking to ensure better surveillance of pesticide residues in food sold in Malta. Towards this end, and to inform the public on the surveillance currently undertaken by the surveillance authority, the MCCAA, ACR Malta has recorded this short informative feature on the subject with the participation of MCCAA.
What should I ask before buying an item or a service?
There are some very important things to ask for apart from price before purchasing a product or service. Have a look at the handy list that Acr Malta has compiled. Is there anything else you would ask about before buying?